• Quality Control
  • Place of Origin Labelling System for Food Service Business

Place of Origin Labelling System for Food Service Business

Place of Origin Labelling System for Food Service Business

Legal basis
  • Article 5.3 of Origin Labeling of Agricultural and Fishery Products Act, and Enforcement Decree 3.5 of the same Act
  • Instructions for labeling the country of origin of agricultural and fishery products (notification 2023-20 of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF)
Target items
Processed or unprocessed fishery products that are being sold after it is cooked
  • Labeling targets (20): Halibut, rockfish, red snapper, octopus, eel, loach, mackerel, hairtail, pollack (excluding completely dried products such as dried pollack), squid, swimming crab, yellow croaker, tuna, monkfish, webfoot octopus, scallop, sea pineapple, abalone, yellowtail, large yellow croaker
    • Selling or providing 14 items through delivery for the purpose of cooking, including those cooked in a raw state (including cooked food through mail order such as delivery apps)
    • From 2023.7.1, scallops, sea pineapples, abalone, yellowtail, and large yellow croaker (5 items) included
  • Live fishery product: All live fishery products kept in the aquarium
Labeling obligor
  • A person who cooks and sells fishery product in all restaurants and cafeterias (general restaurants, cafeterias, consignment catering establishments, group cafeterias)
Labeling standard
  • Domestic fishery products: domestically produced or coastal fishery products
  • Oceanic products: oceanic products (or with sea area name)
  • Processed fishery products: origin of the ingredient used
  • Imported fishery products and their processed products: name of importing country (country of origin at the time of customs clearance under the Foreign Trade Act)
Labeling method
15 types of fishery products subject to labeling: Displayed on menu and bulletin boards or on bulk information boards
  • Font size: same or larger than the food name font size on menus and bulletin board
  • Bulk display: A3 size (29cm x 42cm), printed separately with font size of 60 points or greater, and placed next to or below the largest bulletin board (if there is no bulletin board, right in front after entering a main entrance)
  • Mixing ratio: When identical items from different origins are mixed, display in order of highest mixing ratio. Ex) Stir-fried octopus (octopus: mix of domestic and Chinese products)
  • Live fishery products: Displayed on the front of storage facilities such as aquariums (font size of 30 points or greater)
Implementation progress
  • Restaurants (15 types): From 2020.04.30 (Act on Labeling of Origin of Agricultural and Fishery Products)