• Quality Control
  • Quality Certification

Quality Certification

Quality Certification

Legal Basis
  • Article 14 of Agricultural and Fishery Products Quality Control Act (Quality Certification of Fishery Product)
Classification of Quality Certified Products
  • Fishery product
Objects and Certification Method for Quality Certification
Objects and Certification Method for Quality Certification
Type Item
Quality certification of fishery product Dried product(15 types) Dried Squid, semi-dried squid, dried tilefish, dried anchovy, dried cuttlefish, semi-dried cuttlefish, dried southern rough shrimp, dried pollack, pollack jerky, shredded pollack, dried yellow croaker, dried pacific saury, dried oyster, dried mussel, white bait jerky
Salted product(3 types) seasoned kelp, seasoned sea mustard, seasoned mackerel
Seaweeds(13 types) Dried laver, dried stone laver, wind dried laver, wind dried stone laver, dried stripped sea mustard, dried cutted sea mustard, dried kelp, dried cutted kelp, dried stripped kelp, steamed hijiki, dried laver (salted), dried roasted laver, dried green laver
Fishery products for sashimi Sanitized products that are packaged after head, bones, and intestines are removed so that the final consumers can consume it as it is
- Fresh/chilled products: oyster, sea squirt
- Frozen products
Frozen fishery product(34 types) Mackerel, hairtail, Japanese Spanish mackerel, eel, conger eel, cod, blue crab, flounder, Yellow Croaker, Red Sea Bream, Blackthroat seaperch, horse mackerel, squid, octopus, Pacific saury, herring, shrimp, tilefish, oyster, pomfret, croaker, skate, pen shell (ligament of pen shell), abalone, webfoot octopus, pollock, red snow crab meat (boiling, leg meat) ,halibut, Cockles (boiling), mussel, Chinese mystery snail, manila Clam, mussel(boiling), apple snail

Quality Certification application

Where to submit
  • Regional offices of the NFQS
  • Attach ₩30,000 worth of government revenue stamp per application. If same applicant is applying for more than one application, ₩15,000 worth of government revenue stamp for each additional application
Quality certificate application audit
  • Divided to facility audit and quality examination
  • Facility audit criteria
    Fishery products: Attached table2
  • Quality examination criteria
    Fishery products: Attached table1
Quality certificate application audit result criteria
  • Facility audit (scored in Su, Wu, Mi, Yang, Ga with Su being the best and Ga being the worst)
    • Pass score (fishery products): All criteria must score at least ‘Yang’, less than three criteria must score ‘Mi’, and at least 5 criteria must score ‘Su’
    • Fail score: Pass score condition is not met
  • Quality examination
    Follow quality standard of each types
Notification of quality certificate application result
  • Issuance of quality certificate with the passing result
    If not, the result will be notified to the applicant with the reason. If it is deemed possible that the factors resulting in failure can be remedied in 10 days, then a supplementation period will be provided to the applicant, and another attempt can be made to reapply for the quality certificate
Application for extension of quality certified products validity period
  • Quality certificate validity period
    Validity period is 2 years from the date that the fishery products received the quality certificate
  • Extension of validity period
    • Applicants who request to have the quality certificate validity period extended must submit their extension application to the quality certificate facility (where they got their quality certification on the year of application) with the quality certification within 30 days of the validity expiration date.
    • Chief of quality control or quality certification facility may extend the validity period by up to 2 years if the application is congruent to regulation 31 of quality certification standard
  • Certification sign and display method
    It shall be displayed in accordance with Article 8 of NFQS notification 2013-11
Disposal standards and suspension of quality certification
  • In accordance with NFQS Enforcement Decree 11 Attached Table 1 download icon
Punishment for violator
  • Fraudulently displaying non-quality certified product as a quality certified product
    Cancelation of quality certificate