• Inspection
  • Export Inspection

Export Inspection

Export Inspection

Objects for Export Inspection
  • Processed and unprocessed fishery products announced by the minister of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) that require export inspection in accordance with either the agreements with foreign countries or importers’ request
  • Mandatory export inspection in accordance with the agreement
    • US
      Fresh, chilled and frozen bivalve molluscs
    • EU members
      Fish and fishery products including bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods
    • China
      Raw aquatic animals, processed aquatic animals by cutting, heating, cooking, drying, salting or brining without using food additives or other materials(excluding edible salt) but their original form remains and live aquatic animals (including nursery for transplant and orchid)
    • Japan
      Fresh oyster, arkshell and other bivalve molluscs, processed puffer(blowfish) products, live olive flounder, and eel
    • Vietnam
      Raw fishery products for human consumption, processed aquatic animals and plants by cutting, heating, fermenting, drying, salting or brining without using food additives or other materials
    • Indonesia
      Fish, finfish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other forms of aquatic animals for human consumption; fishery products maintaining the original form and the ingredients processed by cutting, heating, cooking, drying, salting, brining, smoking, chilling and freezing without using food additives or other materials (excluding edible salt or raw materials)
    • Thailand
      Raw aquatic animals including live ones, and aquatic animals processed by cutting, heating, cooking, drying, salting or brining, smoking, chilling, and freezing without using food additives or other raw materials (excluding edible salt)
    • Russia
      Fish and fishery products originated from aquatic animals and plants for human consumption
    • Ecuador
      Raw materials from fishery and aquaculture products for human consumption; aquatic animals and plants processed by freezing, peeling, deveining, IQF, cutting, drying, salting and brining
    • Limited to fish and fishery products from the registered facility under the sanitary control standard (ships and vessel are included for EU, China and Russia)
    • Bivalve molluscs for US export must be produced and harvested in the designated areas notified by the MOF
    • Bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, and marine gastropods for EU export must be produced and harvested in the designated areas supervised by the competent authorities of the countries (including Korea) with approval of export to EU
    • Country of origin, name of the product, producing & processing establishments and registration number must be labeled on the package
  • Inspection under the specific standard demanded by an applicant or an importing country
    • Apply with the documents stating the standard or quarantine exemption
Export inspection method - Agricultural and Fishery Products Quality Control Act
  • Article 88. Inspection on Aquatic animal
  • Article 96. Re-inspection
Notice on Sanitary agreement between each countries

Process of Export Inspection

Processing deadline
  • 3 days (7 days for laboratory test)